Inspectez en toute sécurité les équipements électriques grâce à la technologie ultrasonore
Les défaillances électriques représentent une menace considérable pour la sécurité et peuvent provoquer l’arrêt complet de la production.
Les sites industriels ont besoin d’une grande quantité d’énergie pour produire, tout comme les machines vitales au process, leurs équipements électriques haute tension peuvent également tomber en panne. Et dans ce cas, cela entraîne d’énormes menaces pour la production et la sécurité de tous dans l’usine.
L’importance de bien entretenir vos équipements électriques haute tension
Les implications d’une panne brutale/radicale d’un équipement électrique haute tension sont bien plus graves que celle d’une panne mécanique du process.
Il LUBExpert ON-GUARD rappresenta il passo successivo nella manutenzione, combinando automazione, precisione, affidabilità, semplicità e sicurezza. Assicura un funzionamento prolungato e senza problemi delle vostre apparecchiature rotanti mantenendo una lubrificazione ottimale, grazie all’innovativa tecnologia di misurazione a ultrasuoni.
Affidabilità grazie alla lubrificazione condizionale
Fino all’80% dei guasti ai cuscinetti è attribuito a pratiche di lubrificazione inadeguate.
Il LUBExpert ON-GUARD elimina le congetture su questo compito di manutenzione cruciale, monitorando a ultrasuoni i livelli di attrito delle apparecchiature rotanti e applicando la lubrificazione esattamente come richiesto.
Con il LUBExpert ON-GUARD, potete contare su decisioni basate sui dati. Andate oltre i calcoli basati sul tempo e adottate una strategia di manutenzione in cui precisione e accuratezza sono fondamentali.
Una errata pratica di lubrificazione è la causa primaria per l’usura dei cuscinetti. Meno del 40% dei cuscinetti durerà abbastanza per terminare il proprio ciclo vita programmato, e il più delle volte la colpa è la scarsa o la sovra lubrificazione
Molti reparti di lubrificazione rilubrificano seguendo scadenze prefissate a calendario, spesso con enormi sprechi. Ciò porta a cuscinetti ingrassati eccessivamente e/o insufficientemente, che si rompono prima di aver fornito completamente il loro valore ingegnerizzato.
Il grasso riduce l’attrito/frizione nei cuscinetti. Meno attrito significa maggiore durata. LUBExpert ti avvisa quando i livelli di attrito aumentano, ti guida durante la rilubrificazione e previene la lubrificazione eccessiva e/o insufficiente.
LUBExpert è una soluzione a Ultrasuoni che ti aiuta a Ingrassare Correttamente i Cuscinetti.
Sensore/i esterno/i :Solo SDT LUBEsense1
Sistema operativo :Linux
Memoria dati :256 Mb
Gamma dinamica :109 dB
Risoluzione :16 bits
Misurazioni Ultrasonore:da -15 a 120 dBμV
Misura della temperatura:Da -70 a +380 °C/Da – 94 a 716°F
Capacità di memoria :Più di 10.000 dati distribuiti in più di 10.000 punti di misurazione
Display :Grafico retroilluminato LCD (128 x 64)
Alloggiamento :Alluminio estruso, protezioni in gomma a prova d’urto
Dimensioni :L x L x A 226 x 90 x 40 mm (8,90 x 3,54 x 1,57 pollici)
Peso :830 g/29.3 once
Batteria :Batteria NiMH ricaricabile
Autonomia :8 ore
The Ultrasound washing machine cleans and degreases plastic materials or acetate in general or small pieces in metal in water and/or cleanser. The cleaning action in a ultrasound washing machine is due to the vibration and cavitations produced by high frequency sound waves. They are not the ultrasound that clean the object surfaces but the fine cavitations and important molecular vibration.
According to the Company’s Philosophy, only high quality materials are used.
Production is respectful of security norms and the machine is completely made in stainless steel.
For a better control of the process, the machine is equipped with:
– Ultrasound transducers situated on the bottom or on the inside
– Liquid Heating controlled by a thermostat
– Power regulation
– soundproofing and insulation
– tank for rinsing by immersion with spray controlled by pedal
– top to close tanks
Non-rotating asset components seldom receive the routine surveillance they need
Hydraulic systems represent another way industry converts electricity to mechanical energy. A pump, normally powered by an electric motor, moves hydraulic fluid through a system. The system is typically made up of a reservoir to hold the hydraulic fluid, high pressure lines to carry the fluid, control valves that ensure the fluid is sent where needed, relief valves for safety, and cylinders to produce mechanical energy.
The pump and motor receive attention while the balance of the system is run-to-failure. Ultrasound testing could change this lackadaisical approach; especially considering its versatility, ease of use, and applicability to most hydraulic defects.
External and Internal Leaks
External leaks can often be found by visual inspection. Some external leaks, like a ruptured hose or fitting, are easy to spot. Simply follow the trail of spilled oil. Others are not so obvious.
Die Anlage der Serie KT ist universell einsetzbar und für die industrielle Teilereinigung konzipiert. Einsatzmöglichkeiten finden sich in der Metallentfettung, Elektroindustrie, Optik, Medizintechnik, Wartung und Instandhaltung u.v.a.
Die Ausführung als 3-Kammersystem und die kompakte Konstruktion der Anlage ermöglichen eine hohe Reinigungsqualität bei gleichzeitiger platzsparender Aufstellung.
Die Grundausstattung besteht aus beheizter Ultraschallkammer (Kammer 1) und beheizter Kaskadenspülung (Kammer 2 und 3). Zusätzlich kann ein separater Trockner passend zur Größe der Kompaktanlage beigestellt werden.
Die Wannen sind in ein stabiles Rahmengestell eingebaut. Optional kann ein Unterbaugestell aus Edelstahl geliefert werden Armaturen, Wanne und Rahmen aus Edelstahl. Alle Ventile sind an der Frontseite der Anlage leicht zu bedienen.
Alle elektrischen Bedienelemente befinden sich auf der Frontseite der Anlage und sind jeweils den einzelnen Kammern zugeordnet.
Wir entwickeln und produzieren Stanzmaschinen mit präziser Kurvenauslegung an der Oberfläche, um z.B. Löcher für die Halterungen von Abstandssensoren oder Leuchten in lackierte Stoßfänger zu stanzen. Einbringen von runden oder eckigen Löchern mit hoher Präzision unter Schonung des Artikels; auch für bereits lackierte Flächen geeignet.
The LUBExpert ON-GUARD, our smartest lubrication solution, blends automation with precision, reliability, simplicity, and safety. It ensures long-lasting, trouble-free operation of your rotating assets by maintaining optimal lubrication, all through innovative ultrasound measurement technology.
Reliability through Condition-Based Lubrication
As much as 80% of bearing failures are attributed to poor lubrication practices.
The LUBExpert ON-GUARD eliminates the guesswork from this crucial maintenance task by ultrasonically monitoring the friction levels of rotating equipment, and applying lubrication precisely as needed.
Rely on data-driven decisions with the LUBExpert ON-GUARD. Move beyond time-based calculations and embrace a maintenance strategy where precision and accuracy are paramount. This failureless approach acts as a nutritionist for your machines, preventing problems through a personalized, autonomous, and data-driven plan, thereby fortifying operations reliability.
Les éléments non rotatifs d’une machine bénéficient rarement de la surveillance conditionnelle dont ils auraient besoin.
Les systèmes hydrauliques constituent pour l’industrie une autre façon de convertir l’énergie électrique en énergie mécanique. Une pompe, entrainée en général par un moteur électrique, fait circuler un fluide hydraulique à travers un circuit. Le circuit est en général constitué d’un réservoir contenant le fluide hydraulique, de conduites sous haute pression qui transportent le fluide, de vannes de commande qui garantissent que le fluide est acheminé là où on en a besoin, de soupapes de sûreté et de vérins pour produire de l’énergie mécanique.
La pompe et le moteur font l’objet de toutes les attentions, tandis que les autres composants hydrauliques du circuit ne sont pas surveillés et ne sont changés que lors d’une casse.
Seit August 2015 reinigen wir die Stanz- und Umformteile sowie Baugruppen im Haus mit einer PERO Teilereinigungsanlage.
Das Reinigungsmedium ist modifizierter Alkohol.
Je nach Anforderung an die Sauberkeit und Restschmutz, stehen hierzu 2 Spülbäder mit Filtern 1µm x 1µm und eine zusätzliche Ultraschalleinheit in der Anlage zur Verfügung. Weiter erfolgt das Abkühlen der Teile im Kühltunnel.
Zusätzlich können die Teile mit ionisierter Luft gekühlt werden.
Die Reinigungsprogramme können Teilespezifisch abgespeichert werden.
Die Reinigungsanlage findet nur für intern hergestellte Teile Anwendung, so können Prozessschwankungen durch Einschleusen betriebsfremder Stoffe ausgeschlossen werden.
L’innovativo sistema di disotturazione dei ultrasuoni setacci vibranti Russell Finex, il Vibrasonic®Deblinding System (VDS) di nostro brevetto, elimina le otturazioni e il bloccaggio dei vagli. Ha rivoluzionato la vagliatura delle polveri più difficili sui magli, consentendo una separazione accurata, fino a 20 µm. Aumenta inoltre le capacità di vagliatura riducendo la rottura dei vagli. Questo sistema ad ultrasuoni è stato progettato per essere installato anche su modelli precedenti, su setacci/separatori a vibrazione sia di nuova che di vecchia generazione.
It is used for the cleaning of equipment and molds produced for and used in the food industry. Effective results can also be obtained in the cleaning of filters (e.g. filters of oil press machines).
KLN develops and manufactures punching machines with precise curve design at the surface, for example to punch holes for the distance sensor holders or lamps in lacquered bumpers. Realisation of high-precision round or angled holes, but protection of the part; also suitable for already lacquered surfaces.
En muy pocas ocasiones se dedica el tiempo necesario para llevar a cabo inspecciones rutinarias en los componentes de activos no rotativos.
Los sistemas hidráulicos representan otro medio a través del cual la industria convierte la electricidad en energía mecánica. Una bomba, normalmente alimentada por un motor eléctrico, se encarga de mover el fluido hidráulico a través de un sistema. El sistema, normalmente, está compuesto de un depósito diseñado para contener el fluido hidráulico, mangueras de alta presión para transportar el fluido, válvulas de control que garantizan que el fluido sea enviado a los puntos en los que sea necesario, válvulas de alivio para mantener un funcionamiento seguro y cilindros que se encargan de producir energía mecánica.
Las bombas y motores suelen ser importantes y, sin embargo, el equilibrio del sistema se deja funcionar hasta que falla. Las inspecciones con ultrasonido ofrecen la posibilidad de cambiar de estrategia.
Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Anlagen zur Abwasserreinigung oder zur Erzeugung von energetisch verwertbaren Biogasen verbessert sich durch die Ultraschall-Behandlung der Biofeststoffe deutlich.
Im Hochleistungs-Ultraschall-System von SONOTRONIC wird die Biomasse mit Ultraschall im Frequenzbereich von 20 kHz beschallt. Dies führt zu stärksten Effekten, wie z.B. Zelldesintegration, Desinfektion, Zerlegung von Polymeren und Freisetzung von Enzymen. Der Reaktionsraum ist dahingehend optimiert, dass eine homogene Kavitation im ganzen durchströmten Raum erreicht wird.
Das Ultraschall-System selbst besteht aus einem Reaktorbehälter und fünf Ultraschall-Generatoren, welche die Energie für die fünf Schwinggebilde erzeugen. Die Schwinggebilde übertragen als Ultraschall-Geber die Energie an die vorbeiströmenden Biofeststoffe.
-Behandlung von Biofeststoffen in kommunalen und industriellen Kläranlagen
-Behandlung von Biofeststoffen in...
Elektrische defecten zijn een groot gevaar voor de veiligheid en kunnen uw productie volledig stilleggen.
Industriële fabrieken hebben veel energie nodig voor hun werking en, net zoals bij productiemachines, kunnen ook hun eigen elektrische systemen defect raken. Als dit gebeurt, is het resultaat een enorm gevaar voor de productie en voor de veiligheid van iedereen die zich in de fabriek bevindt. Deze dreigingen zijn ook aanwezig bij het opwekken en verdelen van de stroom.
Het belang van onderhoud van uw elektrische systemen
Een volledig defect van het elektrisch systeem heeft veel zwaardere gevolgen dan een gewoon mechanisch defect. Een defect van het elektrisch systeem kan apparatuur beschadigen, de stroomtoevoer onderbreken en dagenlange stilstandtijd veroorzaken, arbeiders in de onmiddellijke buurt verwonden of doden en zelfs een impact hebben op het stroomnetwerk in de omgeving.
In the textile industry, where numerous mechanical parts are involved, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for cleaning components such as lamels, combs, and needles. These machines provide a thorough cleaning that is essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of textile machinery. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, textile manufacturers can ensure that their equipment operates efficiently, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the textile industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for textile companies committed to sustainable practices.
I sistemi idraulici rappresentano un altro modo in cui l’industria converte l’elettricità in energia meccanica. Una pompa, normalmente azionata da un motore elettrico, mette in moto un fluido idraulico attraverso un sistema. Il sistema è tipicamente costituito da un serbatoio per contenere il fluido idraulico, tubi ad alta pressione che veicolano il fluido, valvole di regolazione che fanno in modo che il fluido venga inviato al punto in cui serve, valvole di scarico di sicurezza e cilindri di produzione d’energia meccanica.
Mentre l’attenzione si concentra sulla pompa e sul motore, l’equilibrio del sistema invece è sottoposto a manutenzione solo quando è in avaria. I controlli a ultrasuoni potrebbero cambiare tale approccio fin troppo indolente, in particolare grazie alla loro versatilità, facilità d’uso e applicabilità alla maggior parte dei difetti idraulici.
In this field, ultrasonic cleaning machine is used extensively especially for cleaning mechanical parts. In this way, advantages in terms of time and cost can be achieved.
Ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable in the maritime industry, particularly for shipyards and vessels. These machines are essential for both manufacturing and maintenance during voyages, ensuring that parts requiring repair are thoroughly cleaned. The ultrasonic cleaning process is highly efficient, providing a deep clean that is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of maritime equipment. By utilizing ultrasonic cleaning technology, shipyards can ensure that their vessels remain in optimal condition, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in the maritime industry contributes to the longevity of equipment, as it prevents the buildup of contaminants that can lead to corrosion and other forms of damage. This technology not only supports the maintenance of existing equipment but also plays a vital role in the manufacturing process, ensuring that new parts are free from any residues that could compromise their performance.
In the energy sector, ultrasonic cleaning machines are preferred for cleaning various mechanical parts, especially during periodic maintenance and filter cleaning. These machines play a crucial role in simplifying the cleaning process, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of energy equipment. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, energy companies can ensure that their equipment operates at peak performance, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the energy sector by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for energy companies committed to sustainable practices.
Ultrasonic cleaning machines find extensive applications in laboratories, not only for cleaning purposes but also for mixing chemical materials. These machines provide a versatile solution that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of laboratory operations. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, laboratories can ensure that their equipment is free from contaminants, which is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. The ability to mix chemicals using ultrasonic machines also supports the development of new formulations and experiments, making them an invaluable tool for scientific research. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in laboratories contributes to sustainability by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods and minimizing the use of harsh chemicals.
For the assembly of plastic parts, which differ in size and condition and would therefore not be suitable for standard machines, we recommend the use of special equipment with several ultrasonic units for ultrasonic welding and processing methods.
• Riveting
• Welding
• spot welding
• punching
• flanging
• cutting
• embossing
• printing
Multi-head systems
These machines can also be used to accomplish complex tasks, e.g. the combination of different welding techniques, like spin welding and hotplate welding and for numerous automated processes
Cleaning roller blinds can be a challenging task, especially for cleaning companies that specialize in this area. Ultrasonic cleaning machines designed specifically for roller blind cleaning streamline the process, making it faster and more effective. These machines enhance the quality of cleaning by ensuring that even the most stubborn dirt and stains are removed, leaving blinds looking as good as new. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, cleaning companies can improve their service offerings and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, these machines support the sustainability goals of cleaning companies by reducing the need for harsh chemicals and minimizing water usage.
Surface cleaning before painting is very important both for the quality of the work and for the durability of the products. One of the methods commonly used at this stage is ultrasonic cleaning machines. In addition, solutions to meet user needs are offered with additional stations such as rinsing and drying.
Thermal edge folding is a process for connection of textiles with plastics. It is often used in the automotive industry in the field of pillar panelling (e.g. A-column; B-column; C-column, etc.). This process does not create an adhesively joined connection, but the basic textile fibres grip into the melted plastic material.
Die Ultraschallmessanlage GreCon UPU 6000 detektiert inline Inhomogenitäten in plattenförmigen Messgütern, wie z. B. Holzwerkstoffplatten. Größe und Lage der Fehlstellen werden erfasst und visualisiert. Fehlerhafte Platten können so frühzeitig identifiziert und ausgeschleust werden.
Je nach Qualitätsanforderung können unterschiedliche Fehlerarten, wie z. B. Spalter, konfiguriert werden, die eine mehrstufige Qualitätssortierung ermöglichen.
Vorteile auf einen Blick:
•Frühzeitiges Erkennen und Lokalisieren verdeckter Fehler
•100% Vermessung der gesamten Plattenbreite inklusive der Plattenkanten
•Erkennen von Leistungsreserven durch Prozesstrending
•Hohe Verfügbarkeit und Betriebssicherheit des Systems
•Vermeiden von Spaltern durch frühzeitiges Erkennen im DC-Trend
•Höhere Ausbringung durch Steigerung der Produktionsgeschwindigkeit
In the last few years KLN has enlarged their hot plate welding machine program „TOOLMASTER“ and their vibration welding machine program “LVW” by the infrared welding program.
The KLN machine program of „pure“ IR welding is based on the hot plate machine program „TOOLMASTER”.
Machines for infrared heating should be equipped with servomotor drives in order to guarantee simple, quick and exact positioning.
For welding by means of infrared technology short-wave (0,78-2 μm) as well as medium-wave (2-4 μm) infrared radiation of the spectrum can be used. This depends particularly on the radiation absorption capacity of the respective polymer material.
The more precisely the radiator is adapted to the absorption capacity of the polymer material, the higher is the degree of efficiency, that means the conversion into warmth. Short waves are absorbed in deeper layers of the material, whereas medium waves heat it up more at the surface.
The automotive industry greatly benefits from the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines, especially given the large number of parts and the complexity of cleaning processes involved. From engines to coils, ultrasonic cleaning provides a comprehensive solution that ensures each component is meticulously cleaned. This technology is particularly advantageous for the automotive sector as it enhances the efficiency of cleaning operations, saving both time and labor costs. By implementing ultrasonic cleaning machines, automotive manufacturers can maintain high standards of cleanliness, which is crucial for the performance and longevity of vehicle components. Additionally, ultrasonic cleaning machines help in reducing the environmental impact of cleaning processes by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for automotive companies committed to sustainable practices.
In the jewelry industry, where precision and delicacy are paramount, ultrasonic cleaning machines are a preferred choice for removing oils and polishes from surfaces during the manufacturing process. These machines ensure that intricate jewelry pieces are cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage, preserving their craftsmanship and beauty. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the jewelry sector not only enhances the quality of the final product but also significantly reduces the time required for cleaning. This efficiency allows jewelers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work, knowing that the cleaning process is both reliable and effective. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning machines contribute to the sustainability of the jewelry industry by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods that can be labor-intensive and less environmentally friendly.